Research Opportunities
During their intern year, all residents will attend a series of lectures and workshops that familiarize them with the ins and outs of clinical research at our institution. They will learn the steps to design, initiate, and execute their own scholarly project, including but not limited to defining a research question, gaining institutional review board approval, retrieving data from institutional, state-wide or national registries as relevant, planning and interpreting the statistical analysis of their data, and writing up a scientific abstract and a manuscript. Our goal is for every resident to present their project in an academic conference, and publish their work in a peer-reviewed journal. To help the residents accomplish this, along with their clinical faculty mentors, they have the support of the research team and a dedicated statistician. We have weekly meetings and office hours specifically for research questions. We encourage the residents to pursue a project based on their own interests, and support them every step of the way.
Explore our active research projects.
Hanna Jensen, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor – Clinical Research
UAMS Departments of Surgery and Radiology
UAMS Northwest Regional Campus