Download a sample conference schedule
Outpatient Didactics
When residents are on the continuity clinic block, Thursday afternoons are protected for didactics. Didactics include one hour with Dr. Hanna Jensen to stimulate research and scholarly activity. Additionally, residents participate in quality improvement workshops, case-based discussions, simulation, and point of care ultrasound training using the GUSI curriculum.
Time: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: UAMS Northwest Regional Campus
Morning Case Reports
Residents learn to present cases and engage others in discussions regarding differential diagnosis. Residents email teaching pearls from each case to the program, who then links the pearls with literature. This content is stored on the resident Blackboard site for asynchronous learning opportunities. Morning report is a wonderful way for resident to learn to be educators.
Time: Tuesdays and Fridays 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM
Location: Mercy Northwest Hospital
Noon Conference Lectures
Time: All weekdays except Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 PM
Location: UAMS Northwest Regional Campus, Mercy, VA- Virtually connect
Content: Board Prep lectures, High Value Care, Research and Library Series, Clinical Reasoning Series, Financial Health, Wellness and Resident Fatigue Mitigation, Residents as educators, Life After Residency
Journal Club/Jeopardy/M&M/Lectures
Time: Fridays 12:00-1:00 PM, monthly or 6 to 8 pm at a Faculty member’s home
Location: UAMS Northwest Regional Campus, Mercy, VA or home of host
Internal Medicine Grand Rounds
Time: Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 PM, weekly
Location: Virtually connect to Little Rock COM Internal Medicine Grand Rounds
All Resident Meeting (ARM)
Time for residents to meet confidentially with each other for 30 minutes, then the second 30 minutes PD and APD join to discuss what we can work on for continuous quality improvement and all to give updates.
Time:12:00-1:00 PM, monthly
Location: UAMS Northwest Regional Campus, Mercy, VA